Dedication of the "Heather Hawkins Hudak"

Purchased through the generosity of Alumni & Friends, led by Tom and Heather Hudak in the fall of 2015. The shell was dedicated during the alumni regatta in April 2016. Gifts were also provided for the purchase of the Heather Hudak by the Kennedy, Monroe, Tobin and Rathburn families, and seats were named in their honor. The student's families also named a seat in honor of coach Rachel Stanley. The shell is a 2007 Pocock Hypercarbon lightweight 8+.


shell dedication
Alumni, Students, Parents and Friends gathered at the Spring 2016 shell dedication. The event was held at the conclusion of the 2016 Alumni Regatta.


SARA addressing crowd
Coach and SARA Board Member Tim Marcovy, SARA President Doug Rathburn and Head Coach Aaron Marcovy each took turns addressing the crowd to explain the importance of alumni and paying it forward.
Aaron also read the following shell dedication:

Today we dedicate this new shell to the Spartan Navy - the Heather Hawkins Hudak. Since 1991 Case Crew has plied the waters of Cleveland seeking camaraderie and competition. May this new shell serve the team well.

For thousands of years, we have gone to row and race. We have crafted vessels to swiftly carry us and we have called them by name. To them we toast, and ask all here to celebrate the Heather Hawkins Hudak.

The moods of the river are many, from tranquil to violent. We ask that this shell be given the strength to carry on with speed in any weather. May all who row in her row with grace and skill.

Today we come to name the Heather Hawkins Hudak, and send it to race, to be cared for, and to care for CWRU Crew. We ask the rowers of old and the mood of God that is the river to accept Heather Hawkins Hudak as its name, to help it through its races, and allow it to return with its crew victorious.

To the Heather Hawkins Hudak and the Spartan Navy!!!


shell dedication
Tom Hudak '91 took a moment to thank his wife for all of the years supporting his rowing habit and surprise her with the naming of the shell.


shell dedication
Heather splashing some bubbly over the bow of her namesake!


shell dedication
The money shot!


Case Crew founder and SARA Board member Tom Hudak '91 with his wife Heather and son Thomas.


Many thanks to the gracious alumni who donated to this effort. Coaches Aaron Marcovy, Rachel Stanley, Tim Marcovy & Bob Gannon along with Case Crew thank you for your support!

Many more photos from the dedication can be found in the SARA Photo Gallery


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S.A.R.A. is an independent, not for profit 501(c)(3) corporation.
Last modified: May 9, 2016