Donation of the "sisu"

Donated by Erynn and Doug Rathburn in the winter of 2010.


Assistant Coach Bob Gannon joins SARA Board member Tim Marcovy accepting the shell donation from Doug Rathburn.


Tim Marcovy along with Erynn & Doug Rathburn with the first shell to be dedicated at the new boathouse.


Erynn Rathburn christening the shell with some Great Lakes Dortmunder Gold!


The "sisu" is a 2010 Hudson Super Predator (elite) heavyweight single. The shell was purchased by Doug Rathburn earlier in 2010 as his personal shell. However, after his company decided to transfer him overseas he didn't need the shell anymore and donated it to the team. The name, sisu, is a Finnish word that roughly translates to "strength of will, determination, or perseverance." More details on the meaning of the word can be found here on Wikipedia.

More photos from the dedication can be found in the SARA Photo Gallery


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Last modified: January 2, 2011