News Archive from the 2013 - 2014 Season

Case Crew 2013-2014 Season Recap

Below is the academic year 2013-2014 racing schedule for Case Crew with links to the results and photos for each event. For a write up about each event continue to scroll down.

Date: Event: Location: Results: Photos:
Sept 21 Head of the Cuyahoga Cleveland, OH - CRF Boathouse results photos
Oct 5 Head of the Ohio Pittsburgh, PA - Allegheny River results photos
Oct 12 Speakmon Regatta Columbus, OH - Griggs Reservoir results photos
Oct 19-20 Head of the Charles - Varsity Boston, MA - Charles River results photos
Oct 20 Head of the Grand - Novices Lansing, MI - Grand River Park results photos
Feb 8 Hammer Ergatta Cleveland, OH - CWRU Campus results photos
Feb 21-22 24 Hour Ergathon (fundraiser) Cleveland, OH - CWRU Campus 406,060m photos
March 7-15 Spring Break Camp Bob Cooper - Summerton, SC   photos
March 22 Cleveland Collegiate Regatta Cleveland, OH - CRF Boathouse results photos
April 5 Alumni Regatta & SARA AGM Cleveland, OH - CRF Boathouse results photos
April 12 vs. Dayton U & JCU Dillon Lake - Nashport, OH results photos
April 26 MACRAS Ypsilanti Township, MI - Ford Lake results photos
May 9-10 Dad Vail Regatta Philadelphia, PA results photos
June 22-25 USRowing Under-23 National Team Trials Mercer Lake, West Windsor, NJ results  
July 16-20 USRowing Club Nationals Melton Hill Lake, Oak Ridge, TN results  


DelBarba Wins Dad Vails in Single; WV2- Advances to Saturday!

May 9-10, 2014: Third year student Patrick DelBarba claimed gold at this year's Dad Vail Regatta in the Men's Collegiate Single. This follows his bronze medal from last year - both firsts for Case Crew. The women's pair of Abby Sevier (stroke) and Colleen Kennedy (bow) advanced out of the Friday heats into the Saturday Semi-Finals without advancing further. The men's team fielded varsity and novice fours, but both crews failed to advance out of the Friday heats.

The Dad Vail Regatta is one of the few of its kind fielding small club crews against big division I varsity programs across two days of racing. Traditionally this regatta serves as the national championship for small crew programs - club or varsity. This year's event had 115 colleges with 498 crews entered across 22 events. Racing commenced on Friday with Heats and concluded on Saturday with Semi-Finals in the morning and Finals in the afternoon. Severe weather delayed Saturday racing in the middle of the finals, but after Patrick's single final.


Results from Friday's Heats

The first crew Friday morning to compete was the Men's Varsity 4+ of Matthew Holdren (s), Doug Brubaker (3), Steffen Christoffersen (2), Gavin Brown (b) with Peter Choi at cox. The men finished 3rd in their heat and did not advance. However, they were unlucky and drew an extremely fast heat and were the fastest non-qualifiers with the 13th fastest time overall. This meant 5 other boats pulled a slower time and got to row on Saturday. You can see a summary here.

Men's Varsity 4+ of Holdren (s), Brubaker (3), Christoffersen (2), G. Brown (b), Choi (cox)

Next up was the women's pair with Abby and Colleen squeezing into the semi by taking third place in their heat behind Georgia Tech and George Mason. The women's team had been focusing on the four all season and dominated most of their races. However, with one athlete in the crew out of eligibility Abby and Colleen decided to give the pair a try. They only had a handful of outings between MACRAs and Vails which shows you how much base speed they had in order to advance.

Patrick DelBarba breezed through his men's single heat with the fastest overall time. The number of entries in the heats provided a bit of a sweet spot in which many of the heats only had four entries with three to advance. The relatively fast conditions on Friday saw Patrick post an exceedingly fast 7:15 2000m time!

Last up for Case was the Men's Novice 4+. The crew of Liam Hoye (s), Luke Fakult (3), Lucas Vroege (2), Masato Miyagi (b) with Sarah Nia Coleman as coxswain were just off the pace in third place and did not advance. They drew eventual event winners from Colgate and perennial powerhouses Michigan. Chin up boys... get 'em next year!

Men's Novice 4+ of Hoye (s), Fakult (3), Vroege (2), Miyagi (b), Coleman (cox)

Saturday Racing

The first events of Saturday morning were the men's single semi-finals. In the two-to-advance flights, Patrick DelBarba pushed through in first place 8 seconds ahead of the second place sculler from Connecticut College. The conditions looked relatively calm for the 7am semi, and with the slowest semi he was able to conserve energy for the final.

Abby Sevier (s) and Colleen Kennedy (b) racing in their heat.

The women's pair were next up and they finished at the back of their semi and did not advance further. According to Coach Marcovy who trailed the race Abby and Colleen's base speed kept them with the pack. With more time in the smaller boat and they surely could have been contenders

As mentioned earlier severe weather threatened racing and the wind started picking up for the finals. Patrick's winning time was over 50 seconds slower in the afternoon versus the morning semi. Un the final he took gold by 10 seconds over his next closest rival from Oklahoma City University in difficult conditions. Patrick has made tremendous progress in his three years on the

Patrick has made tremendous progress in his three years on the team. As a freshman he just missed out on a finals spot in the single. Then last year he brought home Case's first ever medal from Vails (bronze). This year he overtook last year's winner Matt Maddamma for gold with the aforementioned 10 second differential. Patrick will be spending the summer at Vesper and continuing his progress to a hopeful U23 national team appearance.

Click here for complete race results.

2014 Dad Vail Regatta Photo Gallery

Patrick DelBarba claiming his gold medal.

Case Women's Varsity 4+ Second at MACRA Championships

April 26, 2014: Case Crew headed to the Mid America Collegiate Rowing Association's (MACRA) championship regatta on Ford Lake near Ypsilanti, Michigan to race the region's top teams. Racing was delayed five hours due to wind, and the racing schedule was modified heavily with B-finals and small boat events ultimately cancelled. The changed and delayed schedule actually forced a few teams to head home without having the chance to race. Racing finally wrapped up after 7pm.

MACRA 2014
WV4+ MACRA Silver Medals!

The Case women walked away from the regatta with silver medals improving on their B-final final appearance from last year. The WV4+ line-up of Mallory Miller (s), Abby Sevier (3), Colleen Kennedy (2), Rachel Horetsky (b) with Sheerin Sandhu coxing came second in their heat to Northwestern placing them into the Grand Final. Due to the compressed schedule they were back on the water 40 minutes after the heat for the final. The crew finished 17 seconds behind Wheaton College and 11 seconds ahead of the University of Chicago for their hardware.

The men's varsity 4+ had been battling injuries recently and with little water time finished in 4th place in their heat by 0.4 seconds to the University of Kansas just missing the Grand Final. The men's novice 4+ raced well in a tough heat, but ultimately were off the pace finishing 4th in their heat behind Cincinnati, Marquette and Kansas.

The regatta strongly encourages participation in the eights in order to be invited, which has not been a priority boat for the coaches this spring. The men's team put up a valiant effort, but they at the back of their heat behind national champion Michigan, varsity programs from Mercyhurst and MSOE, and UAA rivals Chicago.

Third year student Patrick DelBarba was unable to defend his 2013 MACRA championship in the single due to the event being cancelled. However, he was able to do some shorter pieces against a couple other scullers from St. Thomas and Lawrence Universities in a more sheltered area of the lake.

Next up for the team is some fine tuning and race simulation ahead of the National Champioships at the Dad Vail Regatta in Philadelphia.

Click here for complete race results.

2014 MACRA Championship Photo Gallery

Mixed Results at Lake Dillon Scrimmage

April 12, 2014: Case Crew headed a couple hours south to Lake Dillon just north of Zanesville, Ohio for a scrimmage against the University of Dayton men and John Carroll University. The double dual was the first true side-by-side racing for the team since early March at Spring Break. Even though some fine weather finally poked its way into Ohio this weekend, the team results on the water were mixed.

The women dominated JCU, and the Men's Novice 4+ and Mixed 8+ both crushed their JCU opponents by half a minute. The men dropped races in the Men's Varsity 8+ and 4+ by 8 seconds each to Dayton. A couple Dayton guys made the trip up to race at this winter's Hammer and showed some impressive speed there too. According to Head Coach Aaron Marcovy his charges stuck with the UD crew through the body of the race but were dropped during the sprint. Though never wanting to lose, this baseline speed is promising and he's lined up some competitive side-by-side work this coming week.

Men's Varsity Eights Lined Up at the Start • Dayton near & CWRU far

The Lake Dillon course is a new venue for Case. The organizing committee for the Midwest Scholastic Rowing Association has worked closely with the park officials overseeing the lake to install a fully buoyed course for their high school championships. Therefore, the teams wanted to check out this new venue not only for a fun scrimmage, but as a test for possible future races.

Next up for the team is to work on some side-by-side progressions to help with finishing sprint speed in preparation for MACRAs in two weeks.

Click here for complete race results.

2014 Dayton & John Carroll Double Dual Photo Gallery

Alumni Take All Races at Alumni Weekend!

April 5, 2014: Over twenty alumni descended on Cleveland for our 10th alumni regatta. The morning regatta featured four sprint races between student and alumni crews. The "results" went the way of the alums for all races. In fact, we stunned the undergrads into submission with our starting skills after many years of practice. The weather was in the high 30's with blustery conditions, which resulted in a mercifully shortened course from the red Center Street Bridge to the boathouse -- a distance just under 500m.

Alumni Women's 4+ looking solid
Line up: Miranda Cullins (s), Caitlin Bowerman (3), Meg Grady (2), Katie Puttmann (b) and Nina Ma (cox)

Even with the generous starting conditions the alumni boats looked solid. The first race of the morning was the men's 8+ with the alumni taking the race by just a length but the students gaining fast. The women's four featured former national team camp athlete Miranda Cullins in stroke and former Vails finalists Katie Puttmann and Caitlin Bowerman backing her up. This line up looked like old pros and could have walked past many crews currently in contention for Vails. The men's fours featured two alumni boats versus the current men's varsity. The faster of the alumni boats took advantage of a better racing line to pip the students at the line. The second alumni boat was just happy to be there. Last up was a stacked alumni mixed 8+ against a mostly novice student crew. The experienced alums took the last and final race of the day by a length.

This year's festivities included an alumni/student dinner for the first time instead of the customary evening mixer. The new format allowed for more social interaction between alumni and students, and the feedback was extremely positive. The students presented each alum with a custom bumper sticker as a memento. Novice Luke Fakult and club president Abby Sevier both described their attachment to the sport and the team -- very moving and motivating to those that had the privilege to hear them. Head coach Aaron Marcovy presented his framework for building team speed this season. It's still early and the championships are a month away, but the average 2k score on the team has dropped 20 seconds from last year. Lastly SARA president Doug Rathburn presented some details on the current funding landscape for club rowing and how SARA is supporting Case Crew. You can view the presentation here.

Alumni Mixed 8+ (nearest camera) pushing against the students
Line up: Nina Ma (cox), Miranda Cullins (s), Katie Puttmann (7), Kevin Roberts (6), Brian Chorney (5), Tom Attenweiler (4), Chris Shoemaker (3), Lauren Boucher (2), Meg Grady (b)

After the racing SARA held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) to discuss progress from last year, new business, and elect Board members for the 2014-2015 season. Highlights from 2013 includ: total fundraising over $23,000, coaching endowment level over $57,000, and discussion of SARA's new strategic planning process. Throughout the day we even raised an additional $3,000 for the team! You can view the AGM meeting minutes here.

This year's event was the best attended ever and most organized. Next year will be even better so we hope to see you then!

Click here for complete race "results" including line-ups.

2014 Case Crew Alumni Regatta Photo Gallery

Case Crew Dominates Cleveland Colleges for 3rd Straight Year!

March 22, 2014: Case Crew dominated their cross-town rivals from Cleveland State and John Carroll at this year's Cleveland Collegiate Regatta (aka Homeschools). The team competed in five of eight events and won each by over 10 seconds! The number of events won garnered the team the Cleveland Cup for the third straight year.

Case won each of the heats they entered and went onto win each final. They won the Men's and Women's Varsity Fours, Men's Varsity Eight, Men's Novice Four and the Mixed Varsity Eight. Newly minted assistant coach Rachel Stanley subbed for an absent rower in the both the WV4+ and Mixed 8+.

Home Schools 2014

Team photo at the 2014 Cleveland Collegiate Regatta - Champions!

The twelfth running of the race featured some blustery March conditions with temps in the high 30's and 10-12 mph winds. The format of the race includes three abreast 500m heats with the top two boats racing a 1750m final. The winning boat from each final earns their team a point towards the cup. Case finished with five points from all races they entered. Racing in three other events against each other Cleveland State and John Carroll split the results with JCU grabbing two points and CSU one. Overall CWRU has now won the Cup six times with JCU winning five and CSU once.

The race course typically runs from the mouth of the Cuyahoga near the lake upstream towards the boathouse. However, with the severe weather this year there was too much debris and ice near the mouth. Therefore, the coaches reversed the course with the start now at Collision Bend. The 500m races were run downstream from Collision bend past the old boathouse. The top two finishers then turned and proceeded back to the Bend and raced the full distance to the new boathouse.

From Head Coach Aaron Marcovy:

The coaches are exceptionally pleased with this first step of the racing season, as the rowers are beginning to come into their own with regards to race preparation and performance "on-the-day".

Coach Marcovy was impressed with the team attitude toward racing and is excited to see what the team will accomplish throughout the rest of the season. After the April 5 Alumni Regatta the team heads to Lake Dillon in south-central Ohio for a small scrimmage against U Dayton and JCU before the "true" championship season starts with MACRAs.

Race results for the 2014 Cleveland Collegiate Regatta can be found HERE.

2014 Cleveland Collegiate Regatta Photo Gallery

Successful Spring Break in South Carolina for Case Crew

March 7-15, 2014: Case Crew headed south to Camp Bob Cooper in Summerton, SC for their annual spring break. The full squad rowed in various configurations two to three times per day. At the end of the camp all of the crews there scrimmaged each other in 2 by 5 minute pieces. Case won the majority of the races.

Participating in the scrimmage were Bowdoin College, University of Rochester, Carnegie-Mellon, Liberty University, Bryn Mawr and Robert Morris University. Case took part in the Men's Varsity 4+, Men's Novice 4+ and Women's Varsity 4+. Only Bowdoin posed a serious challenge with Case droppping the MV4+ and MN4+. All other races against all other boats were won by Case!

2014 Spring Break Photo Gallery

Rachel Stanley Joins CWRU Crew as Assistant Coach


March 2014: We are pleased to announce that Rachel Stanley has signed on to be an assistant coach for Case Crew. She joins a coaching staff headed by Aaron Marcovy with assistant coach Tim Marcovy. Welcome Rachel!

Rachel began rowing with Cleveland's adult rowing program, Western Reserve Rowing Association, in 2007. She has competed at the masters' level since 2009 in a dedicated women's 4+ which has re-qualified a Club 4+ bid to the Charles since 2011. Rachel began coaching in 2010, and sat on WRRA's Board of Directors from 2011-2013 as the Director of Rowing Leagues, running the approximately 400 member Summer Rowing League.

Professionally, Rachel works as a Senior Financial Analyst at KeyBank supporting revenue generating lines of business within the Key's Corporate Bank.

Team Pulls over 400km in 24-hour Erg-a-Thon

February 21-22, 2014: Case Crew completed its annual 24-hour Erg-a-thon on campus pulling just over 400km as a team. The team started rowing on Friday afternoon and a flywheel kept spinning until the following day. The event is an annual fundraiser where parents and friends chip and the students also run a bake sale for passers-by. This year's event took in nearly $2000!

This year's erg-a-thon was a marked improvement over last year with almost three times as many people attending the event. The event featured a challenge where visitors could challenge a team member to a 500m sprint for the chance at a $10 gift card. As you can see in the photo gallery, many passers-by attempted the 500 meter erg challenge for a local ice cream franchise gift card. The fastest time on the men's was under 1:28 from a 6'7" ex-basketball player, and the women's time was 1:48 from a cross-fit gym attendee.

Several participants expressed interest in hearing more about Case Crew from the event which was exciting due to the fact that we were hoping the erg-a-thon could function as a recruitment in addition to fundraising event. Although we didn't make it the 682,382 to Philadelphia, we still made it 406,060 meters meaning that each member erged approximately 20,000 meters.

2014 Erg-a-thon Photo Gallery

Thanks to Abby Sevier for the update

Erg-a-thon 2014

Coach's Corner: 2014 Mid-Winter Update

February 17, 2014: A little A.T. (anaerobic threshold) in the morning never hurt anyone, and especially not the rowers of CWRU. The team is training like they are hungry, and it is evident in their erg times. After a successful sprint month on the erg, we are buckling down again to build a substantial base, and are working towards the next goal: Spring Break.

It is due to the amazing support of our Alumni that we are not only able to go on a spring training trip, but are able to do so in the safest and most efficient way possible. We will be doubling up in our trip down south with Carnegie Mellon University, and am looking forward to building that camaraderie and relationship. In case the message wasn't perfectly clear, on behalf of our team: thank you.

The students have gotten downright poetic of late, and have created a countdown chart to the Dad Vail Sprints. As a part of that chart, they caucused to arrive at this independent little ditty:

"May your strokes carry me /
and mine shall carry you. /
Together we shall cross the line /
our rivals in the distant blue."

The best part about that poem? The word "together" is in bold.

Winter 2014

Case rowers during a mid-winter erg work-out

Thanks to all the alumni again, and we are looking forward to a great spring training and getting out on the water.

Thanks to coaches Aaron & Tim Marcovy for the update

PR's Fall at 2014 Hammer Ergatta

February 8, 2014: Case Crew brought home medals in every event at this year's Hammer Ergatta. The 25th edition of the indoor race was held on CWRU's campus at Adelbert Gym and featured some of the fastest racing ever seen at the event. Club president Abby Sevier pulled the fastest women's time with a 7:32.7, which was also a personal best and gold medal. In fact, fourteen athletes broke their personal records at the race!

On the men's side Patrick DelBarba led the Cleveland teams with a 6:18.7, but was pushed into 3rd by a rower from the University of Cincinnati and the team's strength coach. The men's team showed some real depth with 6 rowers breaking 7 minutes including wins for Novice Liam Hoye and Lightweight Novice Masato Miyagi. Rounding out the men's medals was Chris Ryu with bronze and a 6:53 in the Men's Lightweight event.

Hammer Ergatta
Results Photos

The competition for the Hammer Cup this year went to Cleveland State even though Case had superior times. The scoring system is biased to both speed and team size. While Case had the speed to dominate, only a handful of women were able to compete leaving the door open to CSU. You can see the breakdown of the Cup results here and see that Case had much higher quality results. Case still leads the series with ten wins versus eight for John Carroll and now two for CSU.

Team Photo at the 2014 Hammer Ergatta • CWRU Campus, Cleveland, Ohio

Describing the team's accomplishment's, Head Coach Aaron Marcovy had this to say:

In short: amazing. Three weeks ago, CWRU completed its first 2K "baseline assessment," yielding, in many cases, personal records. Typically athletes must train for extended lengths of time before making that leap to seeing their best performance again. The vast majority of CWRU rowers did it again...and rather than try to laud their accomplishments with words, we are proud to let the results speak for themselves.

Please check out Aaron's complete write up here.

Coxswains were not exempt from the torture. Both Tara Tran and Sarah Nia Coleman took first and second, respectively, in the 1000m event for coxies. Min Seok Choi also took part in the Mens Open Rec 1000m race and took second.

The final race of the day was the traditional Mixed Open 6 x 500m Relay. The team improved their previous year's time by nearly 7 seconds, but were bested this year by a strong team from WRRA. The Case and WRRA teams both broke 10 minutes for the 3000m piece and finished ahead of 4 other teams.

Race results for the 2014 Hammer Ergatta can be found HERE.

2014 Hammer Ergatta Photo Gallery

Case Alumni Dominate C2 January Virtual Team Challenge (VTC)!!!

  Rower Meters
1 Darin Epstein 400,137
2 Daniel Bachmann 271,244
3 Ken Klika 216,000
4 Kelli Anderson 215,322
5 Doug Rathburn 211,279
6 Matt Holdren 211,256
7 Carol Brubaker 207,519
8 Mark Schoenenberger 201,237
9 Doug Brubaker 200,001
10 Evan Halprin 200,000
11 Tuck Pescosolido 187,500
12 Eileen Gordon 124,955
13 Masato Miyagi 118,648
14 Robert Tinsley 116,499
15 Katherine Allen 112,602
16 Lauren Boucher 112,458
17 Erynn Rathburn 112,262
18 John Calhoun 104,109
19 Christian Juengling 104,097
20 Brian Chorney 100,378
21 Jennifer Lohmeier 63,000
22 Jason Kampmeyer 55,000
23 Tim Marcovy 48,563
24 Patrick McGettigan 35,000
25 Nina Ma 21,266
26 Pete Whittaker 14,942
27 Billy Johnson 10,000
28 Gina Bachmann 5,748
29 Meg Grady 4,200
30 Meg Grow 2,520
31 Tom Hudak 1,000
Total Team Meters 3,788,742


University of Chicago Crew - 3,681,124 m
U Chicago Alumni Crew - 3,644,663 m
Fat Cats-Princeton Alums - 2,707,887 m
Grand Valley Rowing Alumni - 1,054,137 m

Last Updated: Feb 3 @ 5:20pm Eastern

It's that time of year again to join our virtual team and row as many meters during the month of January. This will be our fifth year competing in the challenge. To participate you need to create a profile in the Concept 2 Logbook. Then go into the "Teams" section and opt into the Virtual Challenge.
Our team name is "Case Crew - Spartan Alumni".

Once you're signed up then row as many meters from January 1 to 31 and log them on the C2 web site. For those rowing at least 50,000m you'll get a Case Crew bumper Sticker. At the 100,000 level you'll get a cool Case Crew t-shirt. And for the third year in a row those at the 200km level will get a custom embroidered Headsweat hat (each year is a different design).

Full details of the challenge and full instructions on how to join can be found on the C2 web site HERE.

Last year the team from the University of Chicago beat us so we need to be in good form this year. We can do it!

If you have any questions please contact Doug Rathburn for more details.


Past Year's JVTC Results:
2013, 2012, 2011, 2010

Case Crew Varsity & Alumni Head to Boston

October 19-20, 2013: The Case Crew Varsity and a number of alumni headed to Boston for the largest regatta in the world, the Head of the Charles. In it's 49th year, the regatta hosts over 9000 competitors over two and is the sport's true fall rowing festival. The weekend featured great fall weather with extremely fast conditions on Saturday. Seventeen course records were broken with slow river flow (it's an upriver course) and a clipping tailwind for much of the course guided the crews quickly to the finish line.

Holdren, McCormick, Christoffersen, Ryu & Sandhu (cox) in the Collegiate 4+
© SportGraphics

Case had entries in the Men's Collegiate 4+, Women's Club 4+ and Patrick DelBarba in the Champ Single. The women were given a last minute entry due to a scratch from another crew and had to scramble to make arrangements to compete. Alumni showed up in force with Mallory Miller '13 in the Lightweight Single, Doug Brubaker '13 in the Club Single and a Directors' Mixed Quad made up of Nicholas Miller '12, Caitlin Bowerman '13, Mallory Miller '13 and Patrick DelBarba '15. The quad raced as Long Lake RC since Nicholas and Caitlin are both coaches of this Minnesota club. Competing with thier own clubs were Case Crew founder Tom Hudak '91 with Three Rivers RA in the Club 8+ and Evan Halprin '02 with Station L RC in the Directors' Men's Quad.

The Men's Collegiate 4+ had the "best race story" of the weekend. The crew of Matt Holdren (s), Liam McCormick (3), Steffen Christoffersen (2), Chris Ryu (b) & Sheerin Sandhu (cox) tangled with Vassar College that resulted in damage to their shell. The going opinion is that the Vassar guys were a bit excessive since a few holes were punctured into the hull. To add insult to injury Case was assessed a one minute penalty for causing the collision. As a result they finished well back of the pack in 35th place out of 38 crews. However, they're hungry and hope to meet up with the Vassar guys in a heat at Vails.

You can see the hull damage here. In order to inflict this much damage to a modern hull the other team must have had malicious intent in mind. And all of that in order to finish only 4 places higher and without a penalty. Since the regatta is so big everyone comes and Coach Marcovy was able to get the boat onto the Pocock trailer. It'll be fixed over the winter and be ready to take on the spring races.

chuck 2013
Results Photos

The women in the Club 4+ were happy to be even racing due to the late entry. They had good weather and clear water resulting in a highly enjoyable row. The crew of Valerie Michel (s), Abby Sevier (3), Stephanie Merlino (2), Colleen Kennedy (b) & Min Seok Choi (cox) finished in 41st place out of 46 crews. The regatta proved a nice cap to the fall season and will provide motivation over the winter as they hit the ergs for spring.

Michel, Sevier, Merlino, Kennedy, & Choi (cox) in the Club 4+
© SportGraphics

Junior Patrick DeBarba raced in the Champ Single and placed 11th out of 28 scullers. He matched his last year's 4.8% margin from Norwegian winner Kjetil Borch though improved his placing by seven spots. He beat a number of national teamers in an event where the reigning Olympic champion finished third and the current US National Team sculler finished in 24th. This amazing performance gained him automatic entry into the event next year.

Patrick DelBarba '15 in the Champ Single
© SportGraphics

Alumna sculler Mallory Miller '13 finished 15th out of 17 scullers in the elite event that was won by Mary Jones of Vesper. Doug Brubaker '13 just missed automatic qualification by one spot by finishing 22nd out of 41 scullers. He was 10.9% off the winning time of Taylor Perry from Fredericton RC. Doug is currently a grad student at Case and is rowing unaffiliated so that he can save eligibility to row with the team this coming spring.

The all-CWRU line up from Long Lake RC had the best result of the regatta finishing in 6th place out of 25 boats. They were 3.8% off the winners from Willamette Rowing Club in the Directors' Mixed Quad event. The Directors' races serve as a fundraiser for the regatta's endowment. Entering the event requires a significant donation and athletes are then allowed to compete twice in the regatta: in their normal event and the Directors' Challenge race.

In other racing, Tom Hudak '91, sitting in 3-seat for his Three Rivers 8+ finished 27th of 47 crews. Evan Halprin '02 rowing for Station L out of Portland, Oregon also raced in a Directors' Challenge race. His Men's Quad finished 16th of 39 crews.

Race results for the Head of the Grand can be found HERE.

2013 Head of the Charles Photo Gallery

Grand Day in Michigan for MN4+

October 20, 2013: While the Varsity was contending on the Charles River in Boston, Case Crew's Novice Men were in search of glory on the Grand River at Lansing, Michigan this October in the Head of the Grand Regatta. The team originally planned a larger contingent for the regatta. However, the Varisty Women gained a last minute entry to the Charles, and Fall Break occurred this weekend, which limited numbers.

The Men's Novice 4+ of Liam Hoye (stroke), Luke Fakult (3), Lucas Vroeye (2), and Masato Miyagi (bow), with Susannah Ahn at coxswain, competed over the 3300m course against 7 other crews from Michigan including U Michigan, Michigan State, & Michigan Tech. The conditions were near perfect, with very little wind and 53°F partly cloudy skies. At the 1000m to go point, the crew looked strong, rowing at a 28 1/2 rate. The crew finished in 6th place ahead of Michigan Tech and Grand Valley in a time of 12:06.

Alumnus Brian Chorney '07 was on hand to watch and take photos. Normally a fixture in Boston helping organize alumni and parents, he recently relocated to the Grand Rapids area.

Race results for the Head of the Grand can be found HERE.

2013 Head of the Grand Photo Gallery

HOT Grand 2013
Hoye, Vroeye, Ahn, Miyagi & Fakult

Speakmon Highlights Team Speed

October 12, 2013: Case Crew sent their squad to Columbus to compete at the Speakmon Regatta on Griggs Reservoir. The fall fixture features a number of teams from around the region and usually marks the first time the novices get to race. The team posted top 3 finishes in the Men's Varsity 4+, both men's and women's novice fours, and in the men's open single. Near perfect racing conditions greeted the team in what proved to be an awesome day for Case Crew.

Race organizers shortened the course a bit this year to 2.4 miles. They also gave out gold, silver and bronze medals (era of participation medals for little Timmy in everything) to only the junior races. Meaning in all other events it was either gold or go home. The varsity men entered two boats with the top crew of Matt Holdren, Chris Ryu, Steffen Christoffersen, and Liam McCormick with Sheerin Sandhu coxing took 2nd place by 4 seconds behind the University of Cincinnati. The second crew took 7th ahead of crews from Ohio U, Cleveland State, John Carroll and Indiana U.

Speakmon 2013
Women's Varsity 4+

The novice men's crew of Liam Hoye, Luke Fakult, Luke Vroeye and Masato Miyagi with Sarah Nia Coleman coxing won their event by over 5 seconds to the nearest competitor from Cleveland State. The novice women's 4+ "rubbed" oars with Cleveland State on their way to a 3rd place finish. The crew Grace Bugos, Mahima Devarajan, Brianna Torres, and K. Fechner with Tara Tran coxing had a great introduction to the sport and a brewing cross town rivalry!

The varsity women were pitted against three Ohio State varsity crews that took all three top spot by over a minute to 4th place. Then it was U. Cincinnati followed by our women in 5th place. The crew of Valerie Michel, Abby Sevier, Stephanie Merlino and Colleen Kennedy with Peter Choi coxing showed some grit finishing ahead of crews from Xavier and John Carroll.

Gold Medal winning Men's Novice 4+: Hoye (s), Fakult (3), Vroeye (2), Miyagi (b) & Coleman (cox)

In the singles Patrick DelBarba finished 2nd and Doug Brubaker finished 5th in the Open Men's event. Doug is still in grad school but saving some eligibility in order to compete at Vails in the spring. Therefore, he's competing as WRRA or unaffiliated this fall. Doug also competed in the masters single and finished 6th overall due to the age handicap, but had the 2nd fastest raw time.

Recent graduate and past Case Crew president Mallory Miller raced in the women's lightweight single. She crushed the other two competitors by nearly 2 minutes for gold.

Race results for the Speakmon Regatta can be found HERE.

2013 Speakmon Regatta Photo Gallery

Small Contingent of Students & Alumni Head to Pittsburgh for HOTO

October 5, 2013: This year's Head of the Ohio was not an "official" event for Case Crew, but a few students and a handful of alumni made the trek down I-76 to race. The morning yielded some rain, but things cleared up by the afternoon for some nice racing.

The photo highlight of the day comes from Case Crew founder Tom Hudak '91. Rowing for Three Rivers his coxswain ran their eight into a navigation buoy during the warm up and snapped his oar in half. Fortunately someone retrieved a replacement and his crew was able to finish 2nd in the open event ahead of a bunch of other college crews. TRRA will be heading to the Charles to race the Club 8 event. Tom also took 1st in the Open Quad.

Patrick DelBarba teamed up with a sculler from Virginia Commonwealth University to win the Men's Open 2x. Alumni Chris Shoemaker and Adam Wilson took on a tough field of collegiate rowers in the Open Pair to finish 7th - ahead of four other crews. Doug Brubaker raced the Open Single and took 5th. Alumna Mallory Miller '13 rowed unopposed in the Women's Lightweight Single. Tim Marcovy LAW'77, rowing for WRRA, took 2nd in the Men's Master 4+ and 1st in the Masters 8+.

Race results for the Head of the Ohio can be found HERE.

2013 Head of the Ohio Photo Gallery

HOTO 2013
Hudak in 2-seat sans oar!

Early Season Tune Up On the Cuyahoga

September 21, 2013: Case Crew and a number of alumni participated in this weekend's Head of the Cuyahoga (HOTC) in Cleveland. The 18th running of the event did not go off without a hitch. This year a couple freighters decided to block the river near the West 3rd Street Bridge and the race course had to be shortened from 4800m to about 2500m. The drama was even reported by the Local 19 News.

Early, wet conditions gave way to decent weather in the afternoon. Case took home medals in the men's and women's novice fours and the men's single. The women's novice four rowed uncontested and the men's novice four beat out Cleveland State for gold. Assistant Coach Tim Marcovy was particularly proud of the novice men since they have had only about 10 on-the-water practices and were able to beat the CSU novices who started rowing last spring by 30 seconds.


The men's single saw Patrick DelBarba take the event for the third year in a row just ahead of team assistant JP Kirkegaard. CWRU grad student Doug Brubaker took 5th just under a minute behind Patrick.

The varsity women fielded an eight that placed 4th ahead of crews from Ohio University and Miami University, but just behind cross town rivals Cleveland State. Shaker Heights accidentally "borrowed" one of the boat's seats and as a result the crew was delayed reaching the start. The organizers let them complete the course alone and allowed their time to place in the event. Not ideal, but a good result to finish 4th.

Varsity 4+: Valerie Michel (s), Abby Sevier, Stephanie Merlino, Hannah Olson-Williams (b), Tara Tran (cox)

The women also fielded two boats in the open four event with the "A" line up of varsity rowers finishing in 5th and the "B" entry of novice rowers finished 8th. The event attracted a number of masters crews with an entry from WRRA and two from TRRA besting our varsity ladies. In fact, WRRA took top honors overall ahead of a very quick entry from Mercyhurst University.

The varsity men also had a little drama in the open 4 event. The crew borrowed a relatively inexperienced coxswain from another team, and let's say it didn't end well. Through a series of events mid-race they ended up stopping for over 30 seconds and when underway the racing line was "less than optimal." Considering all of that, they finished near the bottom of the 15 boat field but still ahead of Cleveland State and OhioU.

SARA also entered the Open 4 and fortunately had fewer issues that the Case men. The alumni finished 4 places higher than Case in 9th place. The line-up of Nate Uber, Chris Denzel, Adam Wilson and Chris Shoemaker all rowed together on the team a few years ago. Alumnus and SARA Board Member Chris Shoemaker had this to say:

The entire day was terrific. We took 9th of 16 and were 22 seconds out of a medal spot, not bad for a bunch of guys that have not practiced together for 5 years now. It was terrific being on the water with them again and our shell, the Stefan James, was fantastic. Those Pocock boats are fast.


Recent graduates Caitlin Bowerman and Mallory Miller reprised their winning form from last year and took first in the women's open double. Mallory also took first in the women's open single.

Race results for the Head of the Cuyahoga (HOTC) can be found HERE.

2013 Head of the Cuyahoga Photo Gallery

CWRU hires Aaron Marcovy to Lead the Spartan Navy


August 15, 2013: Aaron Marcovy was hired by the athletic department as head coach for CWRU Crew. Aaron recently returned to Cleveland after a distinguished international rowing career that included IRA medals and a Boat Race victory. He is a 2001 graduate of St. Ignatius High School where he was a national champion rower. He then went on to row at Columbia University then to Oxford University to pursue graduate studies. While at Oxford he won the Boat Race against Cambridge in 2008. He was then invited to train at pre-elite camps in Philadelphia and Oklahoma City until 2012 when life and health warranted a step away from competition. He now works in PR for MCPc in Cleveland.

Aaron was also able to convince his father, Tim, to pick up the megaphone again to be the team's novice coach. As many of you know, Tim has done two previous stints coaching the team and is a SARA Board member. He is extremely excited by the challenge of building the next generation of Spartans with his son.



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© Spartan Alumni Rowing Association
Last modified: September 14, 2014
Supporting Case Crew and the Spartan Navy since 2003