Case Crew Endowment Overview

Endowment Links:
»SARA Endowment
»Cost of Excellence
»How Endowments Work
»Endowment Gift Benchmarks
»Donor Recognition

Endowments for CWRU Crew are the best way to ensure the long term success of the team. Establishing an endowment for the team directly benefit Spartan student-athletes, and creates a legacy that will support CWRU Crew now and in perpetuity.

Endowment funds reside with the University and are combined and administered with the overall school endowment. However, our funds are "restricted" and all dispersments go directly to the rowing team.

You can add to one of our existing endowments at any level of donation. Or you can set up your own lasting legacy with a minimum gift of $25,000 payable over 5 years (no maximum). Since the gifts are made to the university this is also a great way to take advantage of your company match since many companies will not match a gift directly to SARA.

Please contact the SARA President Doug Rathburn if you have any further questions. Email


Planned Giving Overview

Planned Giving Links:
»Leave Your Legacy
»Supplement Your Income
»Lower Your Taxes
»Gifts from Your IRA

Planned giving is a method of including charitable giving in your total financial plan. There are many effective vehicles--a bequest through a will or retirement account, a charitable gift annuity, or a charitable trust, just to name a few--that alumni and friends of Case use in support of the university. Moreover, many of these vehicles also benefit your personal goals by enhancing your future financial security.

  • Saving for retirement

  • Avoiding capital gains tax

  • Providing for a grandchild's education

About two-thirds of the university's planned giving support came through bequests received from estates and the remainder came from life income plans. Make CWRU Crew the beneficiary of your estate and life income planning!

There are a number of popular planned giving options used by Case benefactors. As with all financial decisions, a planned gift should be designed with care. The Office of Gift Planning would be pleased to work with you and your advisors to design and facilitate the planned gift that is most appropriate and beneficial for you and the rowing team.

Visit Case's Planned Giving Website for the latest information on how to support CWRU Crew through planned giving.





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© Spartan Alumni Rowing Association
S.A.R.A. is an independent, not for profit 501(c)(3) corporation.
Last modified: November 11, 2013
Supporting Case Crew and the Spartan Navy since 2003