CONSTITUTION as adopted on August 1, 2003



This voluntary unincorporated association of the alumni of the Case Western Reserve University Crew Club (hereinafter "the Team") shall be known as: The Spartan Rowing Alumni Association (hereinafter "the Association").



The mission of the Association is to promote in all respects the welfare and to extend the influence of the Team in the greater rowing community. The Association shall provide a forum for the Team to recruit student athletes, and foster friendship among persons who have been connected with the Team.



The membership of the Association shall be alumni members and honorary members, as defined below. The Association admits and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, age, sex, color, disability, sexual orientation, or national or ethnic origin in any way.

Section 1: Alumni members of the Association shall be all persons who were members in full standing of the Team for at least one semester. The definition of what constitutes a member of full standing is dictated by the Constitution of the Team. Alumni, as used in these Articles of Association, if not used in concert with alumnae, is intended to refer to both men and women.

Section 2: Honorary members of the Association shall be non-alumni rowers who have made substantial contributions of time, effort, money and/or resources to the Team or the Association. These candidates may be accorded Honorary membership by a two-thirds vote of those members present of the Council of the Association as established hereinafter in Article IV. Any full or part time coach of the Team will be afforded Honorary membership to the Association without a vote of the members of the Council of the Association. Honorary Members are entitled to all privileges of membership in the Association.

Any member of the Association may submit the name of any person that fulfills the qualifications as set forth in the preceding paragraph to the Council. The Council shall determine whether such candidate meets the qualifications as set forth in the preceding paragraph.


The Council

Section 1: The Association shall be governed by a Council (hereinafter "the Council") composed of the following members, each of whom has one vote:


a. President: preside over all meetings of the Association; be the principle representative and spokesperson for the Association; liaison between the Association and the Team’s coaching staff; have general charge and supervision of the business and affairs of the Club.

b. Vice President: assist the President in organizational and managerial duties. The Vice-President shall, in the event of the absence, disability or resignation of the President, perform the duties of the President.

c. Secretary: maintain records for the Club; keep minutes of at all Club meetings and give notice to all members of meetings

d. Treasurer: shall receive and disburse funds of the Association; maintain records of all financial transactions; shall publish an annual statement for the Association.



The on-going operations of the Association shall be the responsibility of the Association Officers, which shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and other positions as specified in the by-laws.

All of the authority of the Association shall be exercised, and all of the property and assets of the Association shall be managed and controlled, by the members in the interests of the Team, except as otherwise provided herein. No person shall receive any salary or other compensation for their services as an officer, nor shall they receive compensation from the Association in any capacity.

The Association may establish such committees as will assist the Officers with the Association operations and further its goals.



Section 1. The Association membership shall meet at least once a year at an Annual Meeting.

Section 2. Special meetings may also be held at the call of the President.

Section 3. The President shall call a meeting upon written request of five members of the Association. The meeting shall be called in a manner deemed reasonable by the President within thirty days of the receipt of the requests.

A written and/or electronic notice of meetings of the Association shall be sent to each member at least one week prior to such meeting. Meetings may occur in person or via electronic format. Meeting format will be voted on by the Council.

All meetings shall be conducted in an orderly fashion. When point of order questions arise, the President shall consult Robert’s Rules of Order newly Revised.



The Association shall adopt by-laws to govern its operation. By-laws may be adopted, amended or rescinded at any time by an affirmative vote of a simple majority of the Council. The Secretary of the Council shall provide for the maintenance of a file of copies of the by-laws and amendments thereto.


Amendments to the Constitution

This Constitution may be amended by an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the active members of the Association at a meeting duly called for the purpose of considering an amendment. In order for the amendment to be considered, it must have been proposed at a previous duly called meeting of the Association. Proposed amendments must be considered within the six months they are proposed.



The Association shall be dissolved upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the active members present at a meeting of the Association duly called for the purpose of considering dissolution.

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© Spartan Alumni Rowing Association
S.A.R.A. is an independent, not for profit 501(c)(3) corporation.
Last modified: April 15, 2006