2013 Pittsburgh Indoor Sprints

Location:   Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Date:   January 26, 2013
Venue:   North Catholic High School Gym
Distance:   2000m on Concept 2 rowing machines


Pittsburgh Sprints 2013
Team photo at the 2013 Pittsburgh Indoor Sprints
Click here for some more photos in the SARA photo gallery.

Results listed below are for Case Crew only with winning time listed. Click here to view the Full Results (pdf).

Race Results

Women's Racing

Men's Racing

Lightweight Open Women
1. Winning Time 7:56.6
6. Mallory Miller 8:07.1
Open Novice Women
1. Winning Time 7:32.8
10. Kelly Hacker 8:06.1
Open Coxswain Women (1000m)
1. Winning Time 4:05.6
8. Ava Kotvas 4:53.6
Open Men
1. Winning Time 6:16.0
2. Patrick Delbarba 6:20.1
15. Gavin Brown 6:57.4
Open Novice Men
1. Winning Time 6:34.4
11. Steffen Christoffersen 7:19.9
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© Spartan Alumni Rowing Association
S.A.R.A. is an independent, not for profit 501(c)(3) corporation.
Last modified: January 30, 2013